The Australian Vaccination-skeptics Network Inc. (AVN) exists to further a pro-choice position with regard to vaccination and other health decisions.
The AVN is NOT anti-vaccination, nor are we pro-vaccination, we are PRO-CHOICE.
Vaccination is often a contentious and emotionally heated issue. We all want to do the best for our children and to maximise their level of health; we all want to contribute to a healthier community – but the choice to vaccinate is often made without access to all of the facts (either because we feel ‘it’s just the done thing’ or because we feel pressured to do so). We often forget that vaccination is a medical procedure; there ARE risks involved and seeking further information is a RESPONSIBILITY for everyone, but particularly for parents faced with this decision.
The AVN provides a forum with information for you to consider while developing an informed choice. The choice you make after fully investigating the issue should be honoured and respected.
Your choices include:
1. to vaccinate fully
2. to vaccinate selectively or to a modified schedule of your own choosing, or
3. to not vaccinate at all
There should be no intimidation, coercion or ridicule when it comes to decisions about your health, or that of your family. The AVN does not provide health advice. If questions arise for you after reading material that the AVN publishes, you should seek advice or clarification from your chosen healthcare provider.
Know that it is always your choice.
Vaccination is not compulsory in Australia.
The AVN advocates for choice in vaccination and shares information and facilitates discussion amongst its membership around the central position that the risk/benefit arguments FOR vaccination are NOT as clear-cut as we are routinely told by governments and medical authorities.
These authorities have an obligation to demonstrate the benefits of vaccination (beyond reasonable doubt) and protect the public from harm. Information shared on this site argues that such authorities have repeatedly failed to DO the NECESSARY research, free from bias, to support their public claims (particularly relating to safety and efficacy).
Our aim is to provide a forum where informed choices can be made. The information can be shared and discussed, empowering our members and supporters to truly exercise their informed consent, by clarifying what decisions are possible around this issue and why you might make them. In an effort to be as transparent as possible, we aim to provide all relevant links to the mainstream or government perspective (as it relates to our content) for you to investigate and weigh against the ideas and information we present.
The AVN is a supportive organisation that respects a broad range of opinions – and we’re not alone! Our membership-run organisation is one of many here in Australia and around the world that campaign for:
- informed choice,
- better research,
- better safety,
- truthful, fair and open debate,
- clear and accurate acknowledgement of the known risks and
- support for people who have been negatively affected by vaccine use.
In the past the AVN acted to provide whatever support and advice we could for people (often parents and children) who sadly, were injured or otherwise negatively affected by vaccine use. The AVN however is NOT a health-service provider and so our direct support functions extend only to directing people toward other safe support networks such as private Facebook pages and other groups.
Please help us to achieve these goals by becoming a member.
Please contact us if you would like more information or for media interviews.
If you believe you or your child has suffered an adverse reaction to vaccination please fill out our Adverse reaction report form and if you have not already done so, report the reaction to your doctor.
In addition, you may choose to directly report a reaction here to the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) – the body that oversees and monitors vaccines in Australia.
Disclaimer: Views and opinions expressed in articles, postings, links and letters on this website are those of the authors, and are not necessarily those of the Australian Vaccination-skeptics Network Inc. The information provided on this website is not and should not be considered medical advice. If medical advice is required, the services of a competent health/medical professional should be sought.
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