On this page, you will find links to vaccination information from a vaccine safety perspective. Like all issues, the subject of vaccination has two sides. The AVN urges you to carefully examine both before making your decision. These websites will give you a good start in seeking out information on the what those who are critical of vaccine benefits and effectiveness have found through research and personal experience. If you feel that an important site is missing from any of our links pages, please leave the link or links in the comment section below.
Australian and New Zealand Links
Vaccination Answers Informed Sources
Brisbane-based vaccine safety and support group
Judy Wilyman Vaccination Decisions
Vaccine information website based in Western Australia
Vaccination Information Serving Australia
South Australian vaccine safety and support group
Vaccination Information Service
Vaccine information website based in Turramurra NSW
Oldest vaccine safety group in the Southern Hemisphere-locations throughout NZ
International Links
National Vaccine Information Center | Vaccine safety and support group-funds safety studies and also maintains an advocacy portal. |
Physicians for Informed Consent | A site where medical doctors who oppose mandatory medicine can come together to lobby for freedom of health choice. BRAND NEW! |
Vaccination Liberation | Very informative site with great information on all aspects of vaccination |
Vaccination News | THE most comprehensive information source on vaccination – includes daily updates you can subscribe to. |
Vaccines Pro.Con | Vaccination information site which attempts to provide unbiased information from both sides of the vaccination debate. |
Dr Sherry Tenpenny on vaccines | Osteopathic physician who gives regular seminars on vaccination issues and writes in-depth articles on the subject. |
Vaccination Information and Choice Network | Online vaccination classes and a huge amount of information on all aspects of vaccination and immunity. |
Inside Vaccines | Vaccination information, reviews of medical literature and breaking health news. Comprehensive site. |
The Truth About Gardasil | This website is dedicated to the girls whose lives have been taken way too early because of this vaccine. |
Vaccination Information Network | One of the largest followed vaccine information websites. |
Medical Veritas (peer-reviewed journal) | One of the few peer-reviewed journals willing to look at medical research from an independent perspective. |
International Medical Council on Vaccination | Site consisting of information from medical doctors and natural therapists who support free vaccination choice. |
Vaxtruth.org | Founded by Marcella Piper-Terry an amazing independent researcher and Mother of a vaccine injured daughter |
Vaccine-Injury Awareness League | Their mission is to ignite compassion, understanding and respect in the area of vaccine-injuries. |
Justice, Awareness and Basic Support (JABS) | United Kingdom based support group and information hub for parents of vaccine-damaged children |
ARNICA UK – Parent’s Support Network | Arnica is a support group for parents, led by parents. They believe in a holistic approach to health and recognize a grass roots need for debate and practice, especially in this current climate where nutritional supplements, organic food, and homeopathy are under threat. |
Vaccine Awareness Network (VAN UK) | VAN provides information about vaccinations that is fully sourced to enable parents to make a fully informed choice about their child’s vaccinations. |
Vaccine Info (WHALE.to) | A comprehensive information source about all aspects of the vaccination racket |
Vaxxed: the movie | An edge-of-the-seat expose about corruption in the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In 2013, biologist Dr. Brian Hooker received a call from a Senior Scientist at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention who led the agency’s 2004 study on the Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) vaccine and its link to autism. |