On this page, you will find links to information about natural health including natural alternatives for both treating and preventing infectious diseases. Western medicine is the dominant form of healthcare in developed countries but it is by no means the oldest modality nor is it the most evidence-based for many chronic conditions.
In making your healthcare decisions for your family, it would pay to investigate all the options with an open mind and to consult with more than one practitioner to find one whose philosophy of healing and health maintenance agrees with your own.
If you know of any links which should be included on this page, please put them into the comments section below. Non-commercial sites only, please.
Australian Links
Australian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine | The College conducts post-graduate Courses and workshops for medical doctors in the application of the principles of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine. |
The Natural Health Society of Australia | A not-for-profit organisation dedicated to educating the community about how they can prevent early aging and illness through simple changes to lifestyle. |
Australian Homoeopathic Association | The largest and only national association of professional Homoeopaths in Australia, with branches throughout the country. Lists homoeopaths and explains what homoeopathy is. |
Chiropractors’ Association of Australia | The AVN has removed the link to the Chiropractors’ Association of Australia (CAA) at the request of Dr Matthew Fisher, CEO. It appears that under Dr Fisher’s leadership, the CAA no longer supports an individual’s right to make free and informed health choices and instead, they have decided to formulate a policy that is supportive of mass vaccination without considering individual susceptibilities, risk factors and wishes. The AVN’s experience over the last 22+ years has been that most chiropractors would disagree with this policy and therefore, we suggest that anyone seeking the care of a chiropractor should contact local practitioners and request their stance on health choice before making an appointment. |
Australian Natural Therapists’ Association | Find a practitioner, learn about different natural health modalities |
Nutrition / Vitamin links
The Ascorbate Historical Reference |
An historical compendium of 20th-Century medical & scientific literature attesting to the efficacy of Ascorbate (Ascorbic Acid, Cevitamic Acid, Sodium Ascorbate etc. a.k.a. “Vitamin C”) in the treatment and prevention of human and animal illnesses and diseases. |
The Weston Price Foundation | The Weston A. Price Foundation is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charity founded in 1999 to disseminate the research of nutrition pioneer Dr. Weston Price, whose studies of isolated nonindustrialized peoples established the parameters of human health and determined the optimum characteristics of human diets. |
Vitamin D Society | This website is all about raising awareness of the importance of Vitamin D to the immune system and overall health of human beings. It contains research and mainstream articles on this subject. |
Antioxidants.org | A site about antioxidants; what they are, why we need them; how they increase our health status and longevity, etc. Has a free weekly newsletter and an extensive list of articles. |
The GAPS Diet | GAPS stands for Gut and Psychology Syndrome. This website contains a huge amount of information on the GAPS diet, pioneered by Dr Patricia Campbell-McBride who used this diet to recover her own child from autism. Anyone-child or adult, should be aware of this information and how simple dietary changes can improve their health. |
Greenmedinfo.com | GreenMedInfo.com exists in order to provide convenient and open access to the biomedical research available today on the therapeutic value of natural substances in disease prevention and treatment |